We have taughtĀ YOU diligently circaĀ 2018 about the cares and burdens of Our Heavenly Father: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, to clothe those who are naked, to visit those in prison, give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, and show kindness to strangers and those who are vulnerable. (See Matthew 25:31-46)

It's with liberty from God Most High that we officially open up the avenue to receive free will offerings and gifts, from those who have followed us closely and have been tremendously blessed by the teachings on our platform. And through theĀ practice of kingdom giving as we have taught for circa 2018.

We DO NOT take your kindness, offerings, and gifts for granted! We count it an honor and a privilege to serve YOU and to be found worthy of your generosity.

It's our prayer that YOU will be remembered and highly favored by God. Amen!

With Love,Ā 

Lady. Ann x Kenny

Click Here To Give To Lady. Ann x Kenny